Effortless and Effective Fat Loss

Do you want to lose fat and inches? Our FDA-approved cold laser makes weight loss effortless and effective. This relaxing, non-invasive treatment is safe and pain-free, whether you want to target a few stubborn areas or reduce fat all over.


As a chiropractic clinic, we are strong advocates of healthy lifestyle solutions. That’s why we use Erchonia brand cold lasers. Erchronia is a global leader in cold laser products and research. We have offered cold laser healing treatments for many years to help accident recovery patients heal and return to normal activities faster. For many men and women in the greater Federal Way area, a healthy diet and lifestyle alone are not enough to achieve their body shape goals. Fat loss laser treatments are a safe and effective solution.

  • Safe
  • No pain or discomfort
  • No side-effects
  • No downtime
  • Non-invasive
  • No scarring
  • Short sessions (less than 1 hour)

Achieve all-over weight loss or target any area, including:

  • Thighs
  • Butt
  • Belly
  • Upper arms (bat wings)
  • Chin
  • Any area
Owens Chiropractic - Fat Loss Laser Treatments

Natural-Looking Results

Fat loss laser treatments are perfect for women and men in the greater Federal Way area who want to target a few stubborn areas to lose 10 – 20 pounds and those who wish to achieve all-over weight loss. Fat is reduced gradually over several weeks following treatments, delivering natural-looking results. It is safe to receive daily treatments, though once-weekly sessions often produce the most significant results. Most patients achieve their desired results with six to twelve treatments.

In addition to losing fat and inches, many patients experience increased self-confidence and self-esteem, which can lead to positive changes and results in more areas of their lives.

How It Works

The fat loss laser emits a low-level light that penetrates the skin, stimulating excess fat (lipids) to leave the cells. It does not destroy the fat or the cells. The lipids travel through the circulatory system to the liver for processing. The excess fat is removed naturally without adverse side effects or downtime. It is called a cold laser but does not emit heat or cold; some patients feel a mild tingling, and many feel nothing. The treatment itself is relaxing. Continue your normal activities before and after your treatments.

Achieve Long Lasting Results

Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to enjoy long-lasting results.


This specially designed cold laser was FDA-approved in 2010 and used worldwide by respected healthcare providers.

Ready to See Results?

Contact us to learn more and schedule your first session.